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Speed up PC Start up time in Windows

Posted By dinesh On 6:35 PM Under

Speed up PC Start up time in Windows

Usually we install many third party applications on our computer, But most of them start up Automatically when we turn on the PC and start running in Background, This is not affordable for two main reasons. One is that your PC takes more time to start up and after it starts up, The applications which you wont be using will be running in background  which sucks yours RAM memory.
So what all you need to do is to minimize unwanted start-up app.
Here is how you can do this simple Thing to boost up your start up speed.
  • Click Windows key+r to open run.
  • Enter “msconfig” and press enter.
  • This opens your System configuration.
  • Click on “startup” tab
  • Un-check the unwanted start up apps, and save the settings.