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iPhone 5 to be launched in two versions

Posted By dinesh On 6:45 PM Under

iPhone 5 to be launched in two versions

There are some rumors roaming in the internet about iPhone 5 which are saying that the iPhone is planning to launch two versions of iPhone 5 this year. One is an ordinary version and other is a Pro revision with some expensive parts. The Apple inc have not confirmed this officially yet. But the launch is almost sure. Some experts are saying that it is not so fair for apple to launch 5th edition when the 4th edition is still up and running . But I personally hope that its a good step to launch iPhone 5 as the Google android is Dominating nowadays with high compatibility and cheap prices.
Specifications (expected) :
  • 4 inches screen size to support tablet market.
  • A5 processor
  • Two versions
  • Metal finished Back panel
The blue Progress bar shows the probability of that to happen.