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ABOUT facebook

Posted By dinesh On 6:30 PM Under
How will be the world without Facebook ?
This was the question which was on top of the “How’s list” of my Mind from two days. Yes I was eager to know the answer for this questions from two days.
As soon as I came from college today (after Lab internals) I searched on Google for the answer(That is the thing which I do, to get answer for Most of the questions of my “How’s List”).
While I was surfing the world wide web through my beloved Google. I found the following statistics from singlegrain.
Thought to write about it in my blog, That’s how it came here in front of you now.

Facebook Text Editing Codes-Tricks

There are some text editing Tricks you must have a look on.
  • You can use Underscores ( _ ) before and after a Word or a small Sentence to make it Underlines.
For Ex.  _GoHarsh.com_ will make it appear as
  • Similarly using Stars on both side will make the text appear in Bold font.
For Ex.  ** will make it appear as
  • Using both Underscores and starts on both sides of text will make it Both Bold and Underlined.
For Ex.  *_GoHarsh.com_* will make it appear as

Commonly used Facebook Slang Short codes

Commonly used Facebook chat slang short codes are listed below.
Just have a glance on them :)
ASAP As Soon As Possible
GN Good Night
M/F Are You Male or Female?
ASL Tell me your Age,Sex and Location
IDK I don’t Know
SD Sweet Dreams
BRB Be Right Back
JK Just Kidding
Tnx Thanks
BTW By The Way
TY Thank You
ROFL Rolling on Floor Laughing
LOL Laugh out Loud
TTYL Talk to you later
FYI For Your Information
LMAO Laugh My Ass Out
WTF What The F**k
FB Facebook
LMFAO Laugh my f**king ass off
WTH What the hell
GM Good Morning
LMK Let Me Know
zzz Sleeping
BFF Best Friends Forever
Jk Just kidding
B4 Before
L8 Late
gr8 /grt great
plz/pls please
sry sorry
bbz babes
kl cool
N8 Night